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Chapter 698 My Cock Is Hungry For(Group Sex):>Ep2

  • Our conversation wandered back to the topic of Friday's band, and the crazily public 'love' life of its lead singer. The fact is, unrequited lusts aside, I really enjoyed hanging out and shooting the shit with Lisa and Lee. I made it almost half an hour before the sweltering heat and my thick outdoor clothes and puffy vest made it too uncomfortable to sit there any longer, and I bestirred myself to head back to my own room. In addition to the heat, both girls had had homework in front of them when I first entered, and I was concerned that I might wear out my welcome. That would be a fate to be avoided at all costs with either of them, much less both. I judged that I had been right, and that they really did need to work, as Lee closed the door behind me when I left.
  • My own room was quiet as always as I entered.I stripped down so I could put on something light enough to handle the heat of winter-strength radiators in a time of warm spring snow. I had essentially an oversized single dorm, as my assigned roommate had dropped out after the fall semester. It wasn't that he was having any trouble with his classes, but was instead so damned smart that he was bored to tears. As it turned out, he would end up taking three full semesters off before coming back and graduating with both a bachelors and a masters in five total years, including the time he had taken off. While he was gone, he nerded out on his keyboard and his workbench and came up with a gizmo that you probably own at least one of, and sold it for high seven figures to the multinational that now sells it like it was their idea. When he wasn't reinventing consumer electronics, the guy was screwing the beautiful girlfriend he'd been with since Senior year in high school. The fucker.
  • I only bring up my rock star of an ex-roommate to illustrate how much I am not some kind of exceptional dude. At 5' 8", I'm a good two inches below average height for a guy. I'm in decent shape, and I almost always shower regularly, so I got that going for me. As a student, B+'s come to me as easy as breathing in virtually any subject, but I've got to actually be interested in the material to get A's or especially A+'s. I'm that guy who other kids hate because he makes things look easy, but who also seldom impresses anyone that matters with his results. (Hi Mom!) My only feature that really stands out is my smile. The evidence provided by women over the years has suggested that it is a real winner, and after four miserable years in braces as a kid, it damned sure ought to be good now. I tend to smile a lot, in part because I am usually a pretty happy guy, and in part because I have learned instinctively that smiling increases my chances that certain things might happen to make me even happier...
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